Sunday, March 14, 2010

Occurrences or, around these parts

Suddenly, I became a Peace Corps Volunteer and time began to slip away from me. Sorry I haven't written anything in a while.

I'm not feeling very creative so this blog entry is going to be dry.

The music, unfortunately did not get better. Some one died at the very end of January, so I had to put up with music for a another week. At some point, according to PC doctors, I developed insomnia which is why I'm writing this post at 3 in the a.m. This morning, marked 48 hours of no sleep. Woo! I have been in the medical unit for 2 weeks now as the Peace Corps doctors figure out what the best course of action is.
My sister will be here is 2 weeks which is exciting!
A T.E.F.L. Volunteer is leaving which makes me sad but I've been with her the entire 2 weeks I've been here, and she's going to Namibia and, it seems, will be living in much better conditions than in Benin.
I have applied for a position as Peace Corps Volunteer Leader. Essentially, I would run a workstation here in Benin and act as a mentor, guide, and confidant to Peace Corps Volunteers within a certain region. As far as I know, 5 other people applied and there are 4 positions available. The process is very interesting because Peace Corps Administration will send out an email listing all applicants and volunteers are asked to provide feedback. I think this is super excellent because, to be honest, the administration does not have daily contact with most volunteers. There is also a panel-interview made up of the current Peace Corps Volunteer Leaders and a few administration members. Of course, I'll update when I find out more :)
There are widespread teacher strikes occuring in Benin. Most schools are not functioning because teachers are fed up with not getting paid or getting paid half their salary. I heard a volunteer say that school may get extended, which would suck because the next stage will arrive here in Benin in the middle of July, much earlier than my stage did. If school is pushed back, stage will undoubtedly be effected.
The Chaleur, the hot season, is hot, hot, hot.
I took that picture near some waterfalls after the safari. It was a very bright day.

Those are the major updates of the past month. I'm sorry this blog lacks wit, sarcasm, and is boring.