Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Alright, it's official I am going to Benin. 
My new date for orientation is July 21st, 2009. I will be headed to Benin two days later, on July 23rd.
I am still a TEFL (Teacher of English as a Foreign Language) Volunteer, and my committment to service is still 27 months--which is a little sucky because had I gone to Madagascar I would've completed service and returned home around my birthday.
The good:
Cell phone usage is more common, mail won't take as long to arrive as in Madagscar--although it's still pretty slow, I won't have to eat rice 3 times a day, I'll get to use more french, and I don't have to deal with tropical insects.
The bad: 
Benin's cool season is not as long as Madagascar's so even though Benin has a tropical climate in the south the availability of tropical fruit isn't as great, anndd....I've read that Benin is considered a hardship position. My previous assumption was that all PC experiences were considered hardship position--WTF mate, now I have to reorient myself to the insects I'll come across--or that will come across me (blekh), and NO LEMURS!!!m


mperry421 said...

Hey I just found your blog and seeing the negative points about Benin made me want to comment. As a current volunteer in Benin, all I have to say is Benin is awesome and dont let anyone tell you different. And the fact that Benin is listed as a hardship country I think is honestly a little funny. If by no hot showers and really cheap but excellent street food is what qualifies as hardship than yes Benin is a hardship country. there are cool things you can do here, go on safari, see voodoo culture up close and personal, speak french all day long, and after living at post for awhile you will learn to fully appreciate a hamburger. To sum it all up, I really enjoy my time here and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Dont let what you read about Benin make you less excited to go. Its a great place.

mperry421 said...

Ive been in country since July, but a volunteer since september. Ive been at post for about 8 months. And I will actually be home on vaca when you and your training group arrive but I will be returning and working the training, or stage as we call it. But Im not so sure how much Im going to see TEFL because Im working the environmental action stage and the TEFL stage is completely different. If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask! I look forward to meeting you!

Glenna Denise said...

Hi! I just found your blog and I am also leaving for Benin on July 21! And I am also going to be a TEFL volunteer. Just thought I would say "Hi" and that you should make sure to checkout the Facebook group that someone set up "Peace Corps Benin July 2009" and my blog too if you want . Good to "meet" you!