Sunday, September 5, 2010

An Attempt to Explain Away my Lack of Blogging

It's been a while since I blogged huh?
The past 4 weeks and some-odd days have been super busy for me. I came down to the south to work Stage (read: train the new volunteers, a.k.a. stagiers) in Porto Novo the capital city of Benin, August 5th.
I've been stuck in southern limbo ever since.
I worked two solid weeks of Stage then came back to Cotonou (40 minutes southwest of Porto Novo by taxi) and had my mid-service medical examination. Despite my 26 pound weight loss and a parasite living in my intestines, I'm in perfect health. My kidneys, liver, and blood are all normal.
Yeah, despite a parasite, I'm in perfect health. I'm not sure of the name of the parasite. The doctor old me in English but his French accent is thick. I'm pretty sure it had the word....blasphoma or something similar to it in the name....The name reminded me of a really complex form of cancer. But, when I asked if I needed to take something for it, the doctor said it wasn't serious and I'd be fine.
I assume my body will do it's thing.
I didn't think to ask if this could be the reason why I've lost so much weight.
Speaking of weight, I've gained 4 lbs :)
After mid-service, I went back to Porto Novo to work one last week (not the last week) of Stage. The TEFL stagiers are doing great. They're a good, level-headed (seemingly :)) group.
And now we're at today, September 5th.
Interesting facts:
I have been in Benin for just over 13 months, and am half way done with my service
In 23 days, I will have been a PCV for 1 year.
Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything from then until now. Until next time.
I'll post some photos of things soon.

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